
Realizované projekty&návrhy

three bottles of beer with flowers on them

etiketa na pivní láhve s domácím ovocným pivem

three bottles of beer with flowers on them


a watercolor leaf with berries and flowers on a white background
a bottle of beer sitting on a wooden table
a group of colorful flower shaped stickers on a table
a drawing of a wine glass and grapes


Harmonie planet

a poster with a bottle of wine and a glass of wine
a poster for a performance of the opera elisabeth taylor
a painting of grapes in a glass on a brick wall
a bottle of white wine with grapes on it
a drawing of a glass of wine with pencils next to it
a bottle of wine on a black background
a bus stop with a painting of a glass of grapes
a drawing of a wine glass and grapes
a painting of a wine glass with grapes in it
hledadem motv pro rocnik 2021
a drawing of a wine glass and grapes

obálka knihy návrh

the cover of a book with the words hrdinky buducust
a woman holding up a book with a woman's silhouette on it
a poster with the words hrdniky budugst
a black and pink image with the words hrdinky budougst


návrh pro 3d objekt srdce articulated heart pro 3d tisk

articulated heart for 3d print
GIF by Giffffr

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